Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 8/1/07

Amended and Approved 8/15/07



Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser – Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan  - Absent

Susan Price – Clerk



Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, Consultant






Meeting Initiation

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair, Eli Hauser who read the Chair’s Report.


Form A’s

1.      Mr. O’Cain presented a Form A for the Horizons for Youth property. Mr. Cohen moved to endorse the plan of land acquired by the Town of Sharon, on Lakeview Street, dated July 31, 2007, as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law. Mrs. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.



2.   None to report.


Meeting Minutes

The Board reviewed the draft meeting minutes from 7/11/07. Mr. Cohen made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 7/11/07 as amended and Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw

Mr. Lauenstein reported that Tom Houston should have a draft of the Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw by August 3rd. He also reported his attendance at the 8/1 Housing Partnership meeting. Mr. Lauenstein stated that Ms. Price had sent him a report on the land use in Massachusetts and he recommended that the report be sent to all members. The report goes in depth on Inclusionary Zoning and Shape Factor and provides a good overview. He stated that he would like to attend a FinComm meeting regarding Inclusionary Zoning.


Lot Shape Bylaw

Mrs. Price reported that she and Ms. Sloan attended the Finance Committee Meeting to present the Lot Shape bylaw.  They reviewed the purpose of zoning, presented drawings on problem lots seen by the Planning Board, discussed how the Board is powerless with Form A’s that technically meet the requirements but are poorly shaped lots, and problems with the character and impact on neighborhoods of such lots. Mrs. Price stated she discussed different alternatives to the text and talked about how the Shape Factor would only affect newly created lots. She stated that FinComm wanted to know the number of possible lots that could be affected and Mr. Hauser commented that a reasonable look might yield in the range of 150 – 250 lots; Mr. Cohen commented that you cannot predict the numbers accurately.  Mr. Hauser suggested that Mrs. Price should review all form A’s from the past few years and determine the number that would have failed the proposed requirements and make an estimate regarding the future impact on Form A’s. Ms. Price and Ms. Sloan need to set meetings with the Board of Health and ConCom prior to Town Meeting. In addition, Ms. Price and Ms. Sloan need to design the presentation for Town Meeting.




Mr. Hauser provided an overview of a presentation from MAPC (Mass Area Planning Council) on 43D legislation which if the Town passes a particular approval process then it can be eligible for up to a $150,000 economic grant. He is discussing with Attorney Gelerman’s office if business overlay district A is eligible for this zoning. He will contact the MAPC to determine when they can meet with the Planning Board.


Other Business

Ms. Levitts reported the $703.44 shortfall from the 2007 budget to pay for Tom Houston’s invoice for Inclusionary Zoning consultation and the rollover of this shortfall into the 2007 budget.


The next Planning Board meetings are scheduled for August 15th and September 5th.


Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 PM and Mrs. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.